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This is the story of that defining moment that I knew I had to make a change in my life! 


After 22 years of psychotherapy I continued to experience trauma from the negative triggers I had. The effects included stress headaches, a heart attack at the age of 29, relationship issues and so much more. 


"So there I was in WinCo, a grocery store in Reno, Nevada, in the canned vegetable aisle when I noticed my heart pounding. I was having heart palpitations, the muscles in my neck and shoulders began to tense up, and I started to hyperventilate. I realized that I was having a panic attack and it was being triggered by a can of item related to my PTSD. It was at that moment, standing there in the middle of the aisle, I decided that this had to stop...period! 


That lead to discovering a solution I had learned in my photography class...the power of transformational art. And, by using that process, my life changed completely! Now, I no longer experience panic attacks or other negative consequences from those triggers." 



A world full of people at peace. 

Beautiful Landscape


Empower 10 million people over the next 10 years through transformational art and wellness to reclaim their inner strength. 

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